Web3 Metal March Issue

Weekly Music Contest with Cash Prizes + Dadabots x Silverstein + Slipknot partner with 'Dead by Deadlight' Video Game, and MORE


Hey Web3 Metal friends, as we navigate the vibrant yet unpredictable currents of the crypto world, we're all eagerly anticipating the moment when Web3 music finally catches its big wave.

Meanwhile, the race to harness digital technology for enhancing online engagement is surging ahead with unstoppable momentum. This edition is your guide to the forefront of this journey, exploring how innovation shapes the ways we connect, create, and experience music in the digital age.

Let's dive into the future together, with eyes wide open to the possibilities that lie ahead.

Table of Contents

Vibes Unleashed: Web3's Global Music Rally on the Hive Blockchain

In this digital age, the landscape of the music industry is evolving rapidly, breaking away from the traditional models of the past. Independent artists and fans now find themselves at the forefront of a new movement, where technology bridges the gaps that physical distances and industry barriers created.

It is within this transformative backdrop that we find ourselves now. This is where current and future platforms will emerge, bringing to light the idea that music, at its core, is about community, creativity, and direct engagement.

As we ride upon this wave of change, an example of online community engagement has made extra waves as they celebrate their sixth installment of Vibes, the standout music competition carving a new path on the user-empowered Hive platform.

This revolutionary contest provides a unique stage for artists worldwide, encouraging an unprecedented blend of musical styles and genres.

Expanding the contest’s scope, the team recently announced its collaboration with "X Got Talent," inviting a wider spectrum of musical talent to participate. This partnership underscores the team’s commitment to breaking new ground in the music industry and providing a platform for all voices to be heard, celebrated, and rewarded.

The Hive platform is at the heart of the Vibes music contest. Unlike conventional digital stages, Hive operates on a principle of communal management and fairness, fostering a nurturing environment where artists can truly flourish. Musicians are not just participants, but integral parts of a global community, contributing to a shared space that values creativity, innovation, and direct engagement.

As we continue to navigate the thrilling intersection of music and digital innovation, we encourage musicians from all backgrounds to join this evolving ecosystem, especially our Web3 Metal community.

Dive into this creative revolution, contribute your unique sounds, and become part of a musical evolution that transcends traditional boundaries. This is more than a competition; it's a movement towards a decentralized, artist-controlled future, powered by the Hive's inclusive technology.

Wicked Craniums Skull Pass Part #1 April 2024

Slipknot in the ‘Dead by Daylight’ Game

Synthetic Harmony: Dadabots x Silverstein Revolutionize Emo Music with AI-Generated Album

A pioneering example of how bands can monetize their style through AI technology, the groundbreaking project titled "Fake Feelings" by Dadabots x Silverstein, uses AI technology to create 1,000 unique post-hardcore emo songs.

Dadabots Music -Pho Queue

Extreme AI artist Dadabots (CJ Carr and Zack Zukowski) featured a livestream of mathcore-jazz-jpop made with text-to-audio ai company Suno.ai.

The company has been making waves with its latest v3 version that’s blowing users away with its high quality and maneuverability. But, can it #web3metal? - There’s only one way to find out!

Vnderworld - Cybernetic Augmentation

Soundful Debuts AI-Powered Rock Music Generation Pack

Digital Comic 'Dark Nights: Death Metal (2020-2021) #1 on Candy!

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